There are ways of making your blog work for you more. Successful blogging is not only about managing your own turf but also in dealing with surrounding turfs as well. No blog can be termed successful when standing alone since success in the true blogging sense is largely determined by the amount of impact created either on a specific niche or the blogging world in general.
Before attempting to establish links with others, a blogger is required to do internal housekeeping first. This means keeping the contents in order which simply translates to quality articles and relevant information. Bloggers should not in any way try to deal with others without having anything to offer. Doing so may be interpreted as an unjustified attempt to ride on other blogs’ popularity. Desiring to link with a popular site in the belief that your blog is able to offer a close, if not an exact equivalent in substance is very much different from trying to take advantage of the hard-earned popularity of others.
Marketing and promoting your blog is best done using select and related sites to establish commonality and reliability. Linking to a site which has no connection whatsoever to your own blog smells of deceit and unethical tactics. The last thing you want to happen to your blog is to be construed as something which has nothing substantial to offer and therefore should be avoided.
Interacting with other related blogs is essential through commenting, adding information, or simply linking. Commenting is not just disagreeing with a post but may also come in the form of manifesting agreement to a point of view being presented. This creates goodwill among and between bloggers which may lead to further opportunities for marketing your own blog through guest blog posting. Other channels and contacts can be utilized to create further interest in your blog such as blog directories, blog communities, social media platforms and credible people related to your particular niche.